Libertec has started!
1 Marzo 2022

The LIBERTEC project is intended to promote the exchange and sharing at European level of good practices in early childhood education and care and, at the same time, to support the innovation and modernisation of the management and pedagogical aspects of the 0-6 services. In particular, the project aims to develop a digitised pedagogical documentation method that will help operators to manage more effectively the different educational activities carried out within the services, to make the procedures adopted by the educators traceable, to monitor the progress and acquisitions of the children, and to have increasingly transparent and protected interactions with both families and local institutional actors.

Together with the organisation of daily routines and spaces within the Service, pedagogical documentation constitutes the heart of quality early childhood education and care and the focal point of LIBERTEC. The partners will therefore outline special Guidelines that will allow operators to structure a “Digital Library” that will act as a repository for the documentation of each service and that will be integrated with any technological assets already in use. The Guidelines will also identify a specific package of digital competences, based on the DigCompEdu – the European reference framework on digital competences for teachers and trainers – that will enable operators to approach digitalised pedagogical documentation (and other possible uses of digital resources for educational purposes consistent with the age of their young users) in a technically appropriate, professional and conscious manner.

Starting from a mapping of good practices in early childhood education, with particular reference to that for documentation, the partners will then construct this operational vademecum that will enable educators to enrich their activities with interesting ideas that will emerge from the comparison with their colleagues in Spain, Portugal and Romania and to open their management practices to the advantages brought about by the adoption of new technologies.


The LIBERTEC project therefore revolves around some of the key issues for inclusive and high quality early childhood education as well as the need to pursue constant updating of its services so that they are in line with the emerging needs of children, families and educational work in general. The recent Covid emergence has given considerable impetus to research in these areas and has also led Early Childhood Services to have to rapidly adapt themselves, their daily routines and their educational strategies to new arrangements in which new technologies are playing an increasingly important role. Resorting to distance working, conducting online meetings – not only between members of the educational pool, but also with families – organising remote activities (where possible) such as videos, read alouds and children’s songs have accelerated the technological transformation of the services: never before has the digital responsiveness of the 0-6 services been so crucial.


CEPISS Coop. Sociale (Firenze, ITA)

Partner Centro Machiavelli Srl  – Training Agency & EU Projects Dept. (Firenze, ITA); Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus (Lisbona, PT); CEIP- Colegio de Educación Infantil Pinolivo (Marbella, ES); Gradinita cu program prelungit Prichindel Suceava (Suceava, RO); Universidad de Malàga, Dep. Scienze dell’educazione (Malaga, ES)