Testing Phase in Italy
10 Giugno 2024

The testing phase in Italy involved 8 people including educators, teachers and coordinators, each representing one of the educational services managed by Cepiss.

This phase was preceded by an online meeting, organized on the Zoom platform in January, which involved all participants; On this occasion, the methods of implementation of the experimentation were illustrated and the doubts of the educational staff were clarified. The meeting was also recorded to allow those who could not attend to have all the useful information and face the testing phase with all the necessary tools.

At the end of the testing phase, a questionnaire was administered, translated into our mother tongue, which allowed us to collect data on the implementation of the participants’ digital skills and on the usefulness of the tools and applications contained in the Libertec Project Guidelines. The questionnaire was also completed during an online meeting on the Zoom platform; Each educator, teacher and coordinator filled out their own questionnaire independently, but the collective mode made it possible to create a space and a time for reflection and sharing with respect to the experience of experimentation and allowed to share tools, methods and strategies learned in this period.

From the results of the questionnaire and from the feedback received during the meeting with the participants in the experimentation phase, an improvement in knowledge emerged regarding the possible programs that can be used in daily practice with the work with children, families and the reference working group.

Educators and teachers evaluate, on the basis of the European Framework of Reference for Digital Competences (DidCompEdu), an improvement in their digital competence, but there is also a desire to continue in this process of discovery, knowledge and acquisition of new digital practices, to facilitate communication with the outside world (families,  territory, institution), to speed up some of the processes of the educational project, to improve sharing and communication with the working group.

IT_Testing Phase