Local workshop in Portugal
23 Gennaio 2024

The portuguese workshop was held from 27 october to 7 november 2023. There was three sessions totalizing 5 hours of work and envolved 27 educators.

In the first meeting, a formal presentation of the Guidelines and the applications indicated was made

In the second meeting, an independent work was carried out to read the Guidelines and evaluate the use of the individual applications. On this occasion, the educators were able to share knowledge about the document and the applications inserted

During the third meeting, the participants discussed the experience of reading the Guidelines and the experimentation of some applications.

During this workshop, the differences in the use of technology between the different centers of the Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus were addressed and discussed

In general, educators welcomed the Libertec Project Guidelines to provide some guidance on the choice of technologies to be used.

AJEJD PT_Workshops