Final Conference – Florence 26 june 2024

Final Conference – Florence 26 june 2024

On June 26, 2024, the final event of the Libertec Project was held in the Sibilla Aleramo Room of the Oblate Library in Florence. About 60 people attended the event and about 35 people followed the proceedings by connecting on the Zoom platform. The project in its...
Multiplier Event in Rumania

Multiplier Event in Rumania

Prichindel Kindergarten hosted a special event on June 6 as part of the Libertec project, dedicated to improving the digital skills of preschool educators and teachers. The conference was held at Hotel Bucovina with 33 participants attending in person. It was also...
Multiplier Event in Spain

Multiplier Event in Spain

On the 6th of June, the local multiplier event of the LIBERTEC Project, organised by the Pinolivo Infant School and the University of Malaga, took place with great success at the Faculty of Education Sciences in Malaga. This event, which was held in the Sala de...
Multiplier Event in Portugal

Multiplier Event in Portugal

On May 25, 2024, the Multiplier Event entitled “LIBERTEC – A digital repository for early childhood education” was held at the João de Deus de Belas Kindergarten; the event program was held from 9.30 till 12.30. The program included the presentation...
Testing Phase in Italy

Testing Phase in Italy

The testing phase in Italy involved 8 people including educators, teachers and coordinators, each representing one of the educational services managed by Cepiss. This phase was preceded by an online meeting, organized on the Zoom platform in January, which involved...